
October 14, 2014

Why You Need To Buy Organic Food

[readolog_dropcap ]B[/readolog_dropcap]uying only organic food pays off big time in added health benefits, even though many will complain about the increase in price. There have been many smear campaigns against organic foods, most of them pushed by corporations or lobbying groups with a financial incentive to support a more industrialized approach to farming or livestock production.

The reason that large companies fear the organic movement is because it directly goes against low quality genetically modified crap that the government subsidizes. A subsidy means that the government grants the growers of wheat, corn, and soy products, an extra cash incentive that would not be there naturally in the free-market.  This makes it so that these products can be provided at a very low cost to the consumer at the point of purchase, but then the health effects cost them thousands down the line.

Look at a bottle of Soda in the U.S. or a box of cookies, I can guarantee there are processed corn, wheat, and soy by-products.   The organic labeling movement is all about consumers being concerned and aware of how their food is being produced.

In a country that has so many industries thriving on sickness, obesity, and food addiction, this type of pro-active eating is not what these companies want to happen.

Organic food is a controversy because these smear campaigns constantly come out with biased studies that attempt to show that organic foods are really not more nutritious. These studies are almost always rigged against organic foods.

Here is a study called the Stanford study that got a ton of recognition and widely led to people believing that organic food does not have more benefits.

The always-enlightening Mark Bittman writes about why this study, and the organization behind it, is really just a group of people with a financial incentive to lobby against organic food. What Bittman correctly points out, is that the study claimed that it did not find “significant” increases in vitamin or nutrient value in organic foods compared to non-organic foods, however it DID say that it found reduced levels of harmful bacteria and pesticides, about 30% less in fact, which is one of the major reasons you should consume organic foods.   Omissions like this in studies are common in the food industry, which is currently at war with the conscious consumer.

Not all organic food is created equal.

It is in-fact true that just because something has an Organic label on it does not necessarily mean it is the best quality. Over the past decade there have been many organic certification organizations created, some of them are less strict about the quality of their food.  But let’s take a look at what the USDA organic certification’s rules for farmers and livestock producers are.

Taken from the USDA’s website:

“Organic Standards”  
The organic standards describe the specific requirements that must be verified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent before products can be labeled USDA organic. Overall, organic operations must demonstrate that they are protecting natural resources, conserving biodiversity, and using only approved substances. A brief summary is provided below. View regulations.

Organic crops. The USDA organic seal verifies that irradiation, sewage sludge, synthetic fertilizers, prohibited pesticides, and genetically modified organisms were not used.

Organic livestock. The USDA organic seal verifies that producers met animal health and welfare standards, did not use antibiotics or growth hormones, used 100% organic feed, and provided animals with access to the outdoors.

Organic multi-ingredient foods. The USDA organic seal verifies that the product has 95% or more certified organic content. If the label claims that it was made with specified organic ingredients, you can be sure that those specific ingredients are certified organic. “

No irradiation, OR SEWAGE SLUDE!!!!!!!!! Synthetic fertilizers, most pesticides or GMOS! (You would think that all food would follow these production guidelines.)

No meats with anti-biotics or growth hormones and only fed organic food is a huge plus as well.

[readolog_blockquote ]Buying organic is really about a sustainable and renewable method of producing food.[/readolog_blockquote]

Organic foods certified by the USDA also undergo regular testing to insure quality, which I am sure is nothing to get overly-excited about, but it is a step in the right direction. This is simply the USDA’s organic certification, which is not even among the best out there.

The important thing is to realize that the more you eat organic and avoid industrial pesticides and harmful hormones and antibiotics in meat, the less of a burden you are placing on your detox systems.

Eating inorganic and low-quality foods, especially meat, will lead to stressed internal organs and sickness. They will negatively impact performance and lead to health issues.

Buying organic is really about a sustainable and renewable method of producing food. Big companies like you to believe that what they are doing has the world’s best interest at heart, often claiming that they are just trying to feed the world.

The truth is that this does not have any REAL basis in reality. Just because we can artificially produce a crop on a high scale through genetic modification, or by using pesticides for a few years, does not mean that this is smart or sustainable.  In fact the most important thing we need to consider is the quality of our soil and earth that we are dumping all of these pesticides on in the first place.

Many European countries have complete or partial bans on GMOs and practice much more sustainable agricultural methods.

The truth is that organic foods lower the toxicity load on your body and the environment, for the long term.

The most important vote you get in life is not when you vote for the President once every 4 years.  Let’s be honest that’s rigged anyway. 😉 It is what you vote for with your MONEY on a DAILY or semi-daily basis.  That is the vote that counts, because you make it over and over.

Are you voting for sewage sludge fed meat? Or cows pumped full of anti-biotics that never even got to graze on real grass? Maybe you like to vote for GMOs by drinking soda filled with high-fructose corn-syrup.

I choose to cast my vote for the farms trying their best to produce toxin free produce, and the highest quality meats I can support. The extra thirty cents does not bother me.  I have felt the difference between meat that is grown ethically vs. meat from a toxic feedlot.  There is a difference.  And eating low-quality mass produced inorganic food WILL impact your health negatively.

It is always about quality. And the Organic movement is a big-step in the right direction.  So stop letting people try to persuade you otherwise, every apple you buy might not be the best quality ever, even if it is organic, but it does not mean you should stop supporting a good movement.

Remember that Organic is just a label, it is about networking with farmers and finding out where you food is really coming from. 

Like anything else, Organic is just a label.  It is all about developing a more conscious and mindful approach to our environment and food.  Finding small farms that minimize the use of pesticides with clean soil and healthy animals will result in superior food, even if that farm cannot afford the Organic label.

Always strive for quality, local, and then buy organic in the store if you must.  There are plenty of co-op programs all over if you just take the time to go find some farms.  Not all farmers are marketing geniuses, if you take the time to go looking for high-quality and organically grown food you can find it.

Organic food will be higher in nutrition, and significantly lower in pesticides and toxins.

I made the switch to organic and consistently have noticed a better taste and quality ever since. Organic high quality foods make me feel better and function more optimally.

It may be a couple dollars extra now, but at the end of the day your improved health is priceless.

Eating healthy and organic food, grown on fertile soil and land with love, is the best health-insurance policy you can buy.

2 Comments on “Why You Need To Buy Organic Food

[…] which have all been shown to act as poison within the body, they will disrupt stress cycles, sleep rhythms, and digestion, and send your very sensitive glands into overdrive.  The body will respond as if being attacked and the immune and detoxification systems will begin to fire off and activate in response with hormone signals being incorrect and causing even more internal dysfunction from the toxic food. Make sure to always buy high-quality organic food. […]


[…] need to eat organic and whole foods, and balance your healthy […]


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