The Best Natural Health Insurance Plan Money Can Buy

The best natural health insurance plan is not the one that costs you hundreds or even thousands a month. It is not the one that promises that you will in fact be “covered” when the inevitable hammer comes striking down, the hammer of illness and disease.
We all know someone who has been afflicted with cancer; health problems that cost money, or just accidents that cost a fortune.
But the fact of the matter is this: most illnesses are completely preventable. Cancer was nearly nonexistent when you compare the levels of cancer today to that of 100 years ago. Chronic disease that debilitated many was also far less common.
We are in an obesity epidemic. Heart disease is a major killer in America. People are inflamed, out of shape, depressed, unhappy, and weak. This weakness breeds more and more sickness.
You see the real affliction is the affliction of fear. The fear that our reptilian brain tells us that we need to prepare for. The fear that stops us from climbing a mountain, doing something dangerous, but also the same fear that makes us horde and ritualistically prepare for the worst.
Fear projects our past insecurities into the future and in the process completely destroys the present moment. Once you are stricken with fear, you already have your disease and illness
Stagnation, procrastination, and victim mentality, grow rapidly in an environment of fear.
“It’s far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”
When you are fearful you naturally become weak. When we are weak we look for something to blame our decisions on, a cop-out or an outside force to take the blame. A scapegoat to take the blame for our own inability to take responsibility for our circumstances.
How long have you been brainwashed to believe that your genetics rule you?
Remember to go to the doctor, because what if you miss the fact that your genes increase your risk of breast cancer?
Remember to get your regular check-up, and for the sniffles dose yourself with harmful anti-biotics that will wipe out your intestinal flora.
Also, do not forget to pay for your health insurance and sign up for premiums! Without insurance how can you afford these “Specialists”?
These checkups cost thousands upon thousands of dollars after all. 30 minutes of handing someone a drug is easily worth thousands of dollars.
Now that you have paid for your “insurance,” you are COVERED.
But guess what… the fear does not go away. The fear caused from eating toxic food. Sitting at a desk 8 hours a day. Not following your heart. That fear is still there.
And the fear is eating away at your soul, the very essence of your humanity, slowly but surely.
Being “covered” means that you can now go on with your life. Keep eating toxic sludge produced by food companies that don’t give a damn about quality or your health. Just keep on going about business as usual.
So when 20 years goes by, and you’ve been dosed with as many drugs as they can prescribe you, and organs start to fail, you can spend every last cent you slaved away for on your “health”.
You ended up right where you started. You died as a weak and fearful shell of a human being.
Here is what to do instead.
Buy the best health insurance plan that money can buy. Organic food.
We are composed of the same elements as this beautiful planet that we are blessed to live on, and health does not come from a doctor or some foreign entity, it comes from the oceans and from the earth.
The absolute best insurance is food that sustains rebuilding, recovery, and growth, of our cells, bones, organs, and tissues. Having blood circulating throughout the body that is high in nutrition, and a body that is nutritionally sound, results in genes that express themselves properly.
This is what no one will tell you. Your good genes are sitting right there next to the bad ones, and they can be expressed instead by eating the RIGHT foods. WHOLE foods. Not toxic industrial garbage that is unjustly labeled as food, which is really nothing more than chemical waste.
When people try to tell you that diet cannot prevent illness and disease, they are simply acting out of fear. They are foolish for trying to stop you from truly cultivating good health.
These are the people that will never stop eating processed flour, toxic sugar, and chemical additives. They are far to brainwashed by a system that has them “covered” with their “insurance”.
These people are better off ignored and forgotten about. They will not support you in finding your truth.
Because finding your truth means not only that you unlock your potential as a human being to heal yourself and be healthy. But also that you begin following your heart and dreams.
You leave the low level vibrational frequency of fear, and you begin to be able to love and create. You stop being sub-human.
The truth is that you need to eat foods that are very high in vitamins and minerals, from a condensed source of nutrition that provides key activators. This fact was highlighted in Dr. Weston A. Price’s: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Primitive” cultures around the world all ate very high quality foods, either from the sea or from the soil. The organs of fish, fatty fish, animal organs, eggs, and very high –quality dairy products are where we can find these life sustaining mineral activators.
In particular grass-fed dairy of a very high quality produced from cows eating rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. In the book it was noted that disease and illness is less common during these periods. These high quality condensed sources of nutrition have sustained civilizations and rebuild the body.
Everywhere that Dr. Price looked in the world where these extremely healthy and vital cultures started eating “modern” foods, which consisted of processed white flour and white sugar, disease and deformity resulted in as quickly as one generation.
The REAL reason we have so many health issues, children with neurological and physical disorders, difficultly reproducing, and autoimmune disease, is that people have not been eating properly for MULTIPLE GENERATIONS.
If you take away the building blocks of life for higher beings such as humans, which can only be found in the highest quality animal products, seafood, organ meat, dairy products, and must be supplemented with tons of fresh produce, you end up with people who cannot effectively create a new life.
It takes TONS of reserve nutrients and minerals to create a new life from the earth. The earth is what a child grows from. And we have not had the proper components of the earth to sustain us for a long time now, multiple generations in fact.
When people are deficient in the very building blocks of life for multiple generations, we end up with the insanity that we have now.
We SHOULD be able to handle the entire populations’ sick people and needy without expensive insurance plans and ridiculous fees, but the system is on the verge of collapse.
Even the rigged system cannot sustain the masses of the walking dead that we are seeing now.
The GOOD NEWS is that Dr. Price found that by eating the nutrients of the earth once again, an organism could regain nearly all of its proper functions and capacities to reproduce and heal.
Science is just scratching the surface with Health, and if anything we have gone backwards. Not through technology, but through our ignorant mindsets.
100 times the amount of resources goes into treatment instead of prevention and education. 99 out of 100 school children in school right now will not learn the information in this article about key nutrients from the earth and where to get them.
They are not learning about the importance of organic farming, high quality food, what it means to be human and have a dream, creative expression, and true health.
They are being fed processed junk food and nuero-toxic sludge. They can probably purchase soda easier than they could wild-caught salmon or a REAL salad.
That should scare you.
We need to stop thinking of our health as something out of our control. This is the greatest lie of the past century. Modern “science” and “medicine” places more of an emphasis on which drugs solve a symptom than preventing the symptom all together.
Why are more of our medical professionals not asking the questions that need to be asked? Why are more people not standing up?
Well, to be honest, people are. People are waking up by the thousands to a system that does not care about them or their health at all. But it needs to be MORE.
People need to demand MORE from their health care providers, doctors, and caregivers. To practice medicine demands an immense intelligence, understanding of the human body and ESPECIALLY nutrition, and creative ability.
Lets stop trying to practice “science” and start practicing REAL MEDICINE again, with a holistic approach.
Eat the highest quality foods that money can buy every single day, take care of yourself emotionally and spiritually, and embrace creativity and love.
How can so many people go to work every single day and claim that they have a “job” or “Career” when they have not yet taken the time to master the basics of their own physical and mental health.
There is no greater investment than buying high quality food, happy experiences, fitness classes, and spending money to put yourself into a positive environment.
Take that 1,000$ a month your spending on being “covered” so that you can subconsciously keep eating shit and abusing your body and get a drug down the line that only makes things worse, and start spending that 1,000$ a month on the best food money can buy and your physical health.
Get a massage once a week from a professional Orthopedic Masseuse. This greatly stimulates the lymphatic system, blood flow, nutrient delivery to problem areas, and waste removal.
Go hiking once every other day for a few hours. Fresh air, nature, movement, activity. Price: Free.
Buy the best organic food money can buy on a weekly basis. This will probably realistically cost between 80-150$ per week per person.
Buy yoga classes or personal training sessions to move properly and get motivated.
Save up for a vacation and limit your stress. Meditate daily.
There are some productive things you can do for your health that actually do give you “insurance” by showing your body love and respect in the MOMENT, and by providing it with the building blocks it needs to repair and regrow.
Don’t let anyone tell you that your genes are to blame, the fact of the matter is that we know far to much about nutrition and exercise to neglect that 95% of all the ailments we see right now are completely preventable.
If you aren’t ready to step up and take responsibility for your health, I understand. It can be hard to realize that you have so much power and intelligence within your own being when you’ve been told that you have no control for so long.
That’s fine though, keep living in fear, just do not go and tell those who choose to take responsibility that their efforts are in vein, they are the people who have true insurance.
You can either spend the money on high quality food and take the time to cultivate peace within yourself now, or spend every last cent you have on your “health” as you lay in a hospital bed desperately trying to cling to a life that you actually stopped living a long long time ago.