Why Women Need to Weight Train
As a Personal Trainer with over a thousand hours training women, and observing women’s workout routines in the gym, one thing is very evident: women need to weight train!
Holistic Health Practioner
As a Personal Trainer with over a thousand hours training women, and observing women’s workout routines in the gym, one thing is very evident: women need to weight train!
A deep and full squat is the ideal and most natural position for pooping. Squatting when pooping has been shown to provide a more optimal angle for the anorectal cavity than sitting, shown in the graphic below, as seen on the SquattyPotty website.
[readolog_dropcap ]T[/readolog_dropcap]he drive to conquer and completely master a set of skills, is a goal that I have striven to achieve and can confidently say that I have gained with a few unique skillsets. What is important is that we realize that it is not necessarily about the skillset you will acquire once you have […]
The skin and hair care industry is full of products that are toxic and full of chemicals that would NEVER be allowed in our food supply, let alone eat! But this is exactly what we are doing when we put toxic products on our skin because our skin is a breathing organ; anything we place […]
[readolog_dropcap ]B[/readolog_dropcap]alancing our immune system means that we must balance the microorganisms in our digestive tract. Eating highly processed foods can lead to an overgrowth of the wrong bacteria and fungus, we want to strive to optimize the healthy ones by eating a clean and healthy diet.
[readolog_dropcap ]O[/readolog_dropcap]ne of the best exercise modalities that I ever decided to start pursuing in a group setting was Yoga. Besides weight training, I would consider Yoga one of the most valuable forms of physical expression that I had ever practiced up until that point for a few reasons.
[readolog_dropcap ]B[/readolog_dropcap]eginning a meditation practice is one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life, and a skill that I use on a daily basis. Meditating daily allows us to let energy flow through the body and rid tension and worries by becoming present.
Improving posture is about viewing the body as a single integrated whole, and to aim to keep a neutral spine at all times. A neutral spine means that there is not excessive flexion or extension in any section of the spine, which includes the lumbar (lower), thoracic (middle), and cervical (upper neck) regions of the […]
Getting good sleep is the foundation and pillar of: good recovery, health, longevity, and flow. Sleep regulates our hormones, repairs our bodies, gives us a break from digestion since we are fasting during sleep, basically this allows for more energy to help digest. Sleep heals cellular damage and repairs the musculoskeletal system and nervous system […]
[readolog_dropcap ]K[/readolog_dropcap]eeping your natural energy levels high is really a balancing act between expending energy and cultivating energy. To have high energy for activities that require us to expend energy such as work or exercise, we also need to allow for a fair amount of time to cultivate energy