
March 6, 2018

Prone Cobra for Posture (And other things)

Hey everyone, in this blog post and subsequent video I go over one of my favorite exercises to do with clients who are just starting out, sometimes even more advanced trainees, and an energizing and powerful exercise that I do for myself quite often.

One of the things about my training, especially as a C.H.E.K. Practitioner, a system of training that focuses holistically on the entire body taught me, is that the head and neck is one of the most important areas of the body.  Unfortunately most trainers and coaches may neglect properly conditioning the upper back, deep neck flexors, and other muscles around the head, neck, and upper back, leading to a major postural weakness.

We all see people whose heads come forward constantly, and it is sad to say but this is only going to become more of an epidemic as the use of cell phones and computers rises more and more with each generation now.  It is rare that we even spend time properly elongating the spine and standing up straight for some people!  Forward head posture, as I demonstrate in the video can lead to a whole host of orthopedic injuries, psychological or emotional blockages, depression, and pain.

When I first started training my neck and upper back with the prone cobra exercise, it was a powerful awakening to what standing up truly straight and tall really meant.  All of my workouts improved, my breathing got better, and my lower abdominals functioned much more optimally.  Being 6 ft 4 inches, I have a long neck and spine, so it is even more crucial since I often look down at my clients and use my phone, that I train my neck.

The neck is an area that is associated with the Fifth Chakra, which is directly related to how we communicate and express ourselves, and as such having forward head posture or energetic blockages within this area of the body can lead to issues in this area.  The physical body can affect how energy flows through our being, just as our emotional body can affect our physical body.  For these reasons, the prone cobra is an excellent exercise to stimulate blood flow to the head and neck area, and will help relieve chronic tension caused by poor posture.

For many an exercise like the prone cobra may help clear emotional or energetic blockages within the body. You may find that you feel energy rushing to your head, think more clearly, stand taller, and breathe better.  These are all common experiences when doing the Prone Cobra exercise effectively.  It has a powerful opening effect on the front of the body which is often shortened and tight (chest, neck, shoulders jaw) it does this by strengthening the oftentimes weaker muscles in the back of the shoulders and the cervical flexors.

Sometimes all exercise is not meant to be in the form of a “tough workout” or the “no pain no gain” mentality, sometimes we need to focus on improving posture and our core stabilizers such as our upper back muscles and the head and neck using exercises like the Prone Cobra.   A house is only as strong as its foundation, and unfortunately most people exercise in such a way that the foundation has many faults and is often cracked and crooked, yet they continue to build upon this with tough workouts and advanced exercises.  The house may not collapse for many years, but eventually the support structure fails, and in the case of exercise we end up with injury.

I have been able to pursue numerous athletic pursuits, lift weights, remain active, and train over 30 sessions a week by focusing on my posture and the integrity of my core stabilizers, it is not always about killing yourself!  Create a rock solid foundation that will support you for years to come.


Hope all is well!




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