Is Gluten Really Bad?

[readolog_dropcap ]P[/readolog_dropcap]eople always seem to be confused as to what the “gluten-free” fad and diet is really all about. And to be honest this confusion is justified because there is so much conflicting information about wheat and gluten, so I will endeavor my best to congruently explain what I understand to be the facts about gluten and its role in our diets.
From extensive research I have learned a lot about modern agricultural practices such as industrial farming and genetically modifying crops to yield a certain product. Wheat is a major agricultural export, along with processed flour, which is useful in its ability to be stored for long periods of time and to cook with.
For the past century Western civilization has gone around to indigenous tribes and lands and traded processed flours and sugars and there is a pretty consistent correlation with a steady decline in health since. As it turns out, modern processed flour, a FORM OF GLUTEN, is poisonous to the human body.
Dr. Weston A Price outlined this process nearly a century ago in his nutritional masterpiece and epic study of the negative effects of these processed foods on people’s health. In his epic study you can find hundreds of images of the tooth decay and physical decline those who eat processed foods will experience.
Gluten in the form of processed flour causes a degrading of good physical condition because of the strain it places on digestive health and the body in general, Weston Price outlines it better than I ever could in his amazing book, but I will attempt to explain why processed flour is so bad succinctly. For further reading, check out this article by Jen Allbritton from the Weston A Price Foundation. It describes just how many nutrients are lost from wheat when it is processed using modern techniques.
Processed flour is grain that is oxidized, bleached, crushed down to nothing, with the entire wheat germ and embryo removed. Real “WHOLE WHEAT” contains the whole germ and bran and all of the different parts of the grain, which contain unique vitamins. For example wheat germ is high in vitamin E, which aids in the digestion and absorption of wheat. The human body cannot process isolated compounds that are stripped of all of their nutritional value such as essential fat-soluble vitamins and minerals; it has to process VITAMIN COMPLEXES.

A picture of what the whole grain looks like, with all of it’s components, processed flour typically only contains the endosperm. The Bran and Germ have important vitamins and minerals for absorption, as well as some fat, much like an Egg.
A vitamin COMPLEX would be anything that is a whole food, for example spinach contains vitamins A,C, E, K, Iron, potassium, etc. The same goes for a sweet potato, and when these vegetables are eaten with healthy fats, to help process the fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, and K) our bodies can effectively utilize these nutrients.
This is why certain vegetables absorb better when cooked in fat or with a meal, have you ever felt extremely satiated and well after a balanced meal? A meal with just a small piece of perfectly cooked meat, some healthy fat like olive oil, and a veggie. A meal like this, chewed well, and eaten consciously, will allow the body to absorb many different vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients as well, in a synergistic and complete fashion.
So lets say we take wheat and take the germ and embryo out of it, crush it down, and let it oxidize completely, bleach it chemically, and then try to eat it, guess what happens?
You have to get the vitamins and minerals from your own body to effectively process the flour that is devoid of all nutrition! This is why so many people suffer from digestive troubles and intestinal issues such as IBS; the system cannot digest this nutrient devoid crap on its own.
They call it enriched flour for a reason, the makers of processed flour actually have to add nutrients back into the wheat by law or it will be even more toxic to your body! In Nutrition and Physical Degeneration there are studies done all the way down to reproductive health and bone strength being affected by eating processed food stripped of all of its nutrition. This was being observed almost 100 years ago throughout America as the country departed from whole foods and embraced the luxuries of this convenient and long-lasting processed food.
So any gluten that is from processed enriched flour is pure poison for the human body. So gluten is really bad IF it comes from processed flour. This would include:
Nearly any packaged food coming from a box from major food brands.
- White bread at restaurants.
- Most breads.
- All white bread.
- Processed sweets
- Processed cakes and baked goods.
- Fried foods at restaurants dipped in flour.
Notice the trend? It is pretty much in all processed food and restaurants that do not practice safe cooking practices. I can understand and allow for the use of flour in certain dishes but if the restaurants you eat out at are not conscious of the menu items that contain gluten and strive to use good quality ingredients you do not need to be giving them your business anyway.
[readolog_blockquote ]The great thing about nature is that when left in tact, it has the tools our bodies need to effectively process grains within it…[/readolog_blockquote]
So take this stuff seriously, because if you are complaining of any of the following:
- Brain fog
- Lack of energy/motivation
- Depressing thoughts
- Mood swings
- Inflammation in the joints
- Back pain
- Stomach aches/Bowel issues
- Heart Burn
- Hard stools
- Skin issues
- Some vision problems
- A negative reaction to light sun exposure
- Cravings for sweets and fried foods
If you are complaining of any of the following issues which a good majority of people who eat any processed flour have, I have even met people with all of these symptoms, then you owe it to yourself to cut out all “Gluten” and processed flour for at least 1 month to notice the difference in your health. Assuming that there is something else wrong with you while continuing to eat processed gluten and taking a pill instead of cutting it out is stupid and a waste of energy. Cut out all processed flour and make sure that is not what is causing your health issue first unless you are suffering from something that would be considered an immediate medical emergency. I promise you will see dramatically increased and improved health and mental clarity.
Yes, processed flour really is that bad.So cut it all out and stop letting processed gluten leach vital nutrients and vitamins from your bones and organs, your body will thank you for it.
A whole grain is a grain that is crushed and made into flour or a product that contains the different structures that make up the grain such as the germ, bran, embryo etc. All of these layers of the grain contain different vitamins and minerals that aid in absorption. Most refined flours only contain the endosperm of the grain, which happens to be one of the most nutritionally devoid parts of the grain.
The great thing about nature is that when left in tact it has the tools our bodies need to effectively process grains within it, for example the bran and wheat germ contain nearly all of the fat in wheat, which helps your body process the fat soluble vitamins, which means whole wheat bread products are ALWAYS the better choice.
But here is the catch 22. Most so-called “whole wheat” products are still not really as fresh and whole grain as they may seem. Many times tricky and deceiving labeling laws allow it so that depending on how the ingredients are listed, you may still be getting a product that is not as whole grain as they say it is. Some products even use refined flour in their whole-wheat products because refined flour is so effective to bake with and lasts long.
So my recommendation would be to stay away from breads that are a low quality or cheap because chances are it is not really good bread, also when reading the ingredient list it should not be very long at all.
Companies that strive to use sprouted and living grains to make their products are often much more mindful of the ingredients they use to process their products, and often there are no preservatives or harmful fillers. Sprouting grains also unlocks certain nutrients and gets rid of anti-nutrients that are a plants natural defense before it begins growing.
I highly recommend classic Ezekiel bread, which is not even made entirely from wheat but merely contains it as one of the components of the bread. It includes other grains such as barley, spelt and millet, except they are all whole grains and sprouted. Ezekiel bread, I have found, grows mold quickly if not refrigerated or if allowed to oxidize which is something that I like to see, not bread that is white and colorless that has been sitting on a shelf for two months.
So is gluten really bad?
Conclusion: not all gluten is bad, organic properly grown grains that contain the whole germ and bran contain essential nutrients and can be a good addition to the diet in moderation, however all gluten from processed flour is toxic and should be regarded as poison due to the nutrient devoid nature of the flour and the preservatives and toxins used in processing the flour.
You must also consider if you are gluten-intolerant as many people are, if any food stresses your body more than you can effectively absorb nutrients from it you should stop eating it completely.
Buy good grains and use bread in moderation only from good reliable companies such as Ezekiel bread and: high quality organic sprouted breads.
For more information please read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A Price, or visit