Eating Healthy Fats for Better Health

[readolog_dropcap ]T[/readolog_dropcap]he bad rap that fat and saturated fat gets is one of the biggest health misconceptions in modern history. Low-fat is great because it seems that you can slap it on any label and gullible consumers will buy the product because they believe that fat will actually make you fat. The misconception also comes from the fact that there are actually bad-fats that often come from processed food, or fried foods.
[readolog_blockquote ]Eating healthy fat should be the staple of any good diet; the percentage of fat in any diet is dependent on the person.[/readolog_blockquote]
Low-fat in theory sounds great because fat has the most calories in it per gram of the three macronutrients which are protein (4 calories/g), carbohydrates (4 calories/g), and fat (9 calories/g). So someone who is not very well informed will think that, well, avoiding eating fat, will actually contribute to making you less FAT!!!
Fat[readolog_progress type=”progress-bar-striped active” percentage=”9″ bar_color=”#00DA9E” bg_color=”#fff” label=”9″ unit=”9 calories per gram” ][/readolog_progress]
Protein[readolog_progress type=”progress-bar-striped active” percentage=”4″ bar_color=”#00DA9E” bg_color=”#fff” label=”4″ unit=”4 calories per gram” ][/readolog_progress]
Carbohydrates[readolog_progress type=”progress-bar-striped active” percentage=”4″ bar_color=”#00DA9E” bg_color=”#fff” label=”4″ unit=” 4 calories per gram” ][/readolog_progress]
In theory this is sound logic, if we do not have any understanding of how to eat healthy fats and that our bodies absolutely need fat to function. Fat is used to house and help create all of our organs, cushions and repairs our joints, our bodies store fat as a backup fuel source, our bodies get nourished for longer periods of time from fat due to its high caloric nature, and our bodies absorb nearly every nutrient of vital importance in fat.
The fat soluble Vitamins are A, E, D and K, all of which are absolutely ESSENTIAL for optimal health, a major deficiency in any one of these vitamins can cause illness or deficiencies in other nutrients as well. Eating the right fats will help us absorb these vitamins from the food we eat. Eating healthy fat should be the staple of any good diet; the percentage of fat in any diet is dependent on the person.
I know that there are periods where I can eat a very high amount of fat, which are usually when I am increasing my caloric intake greatly from heavy weight training or cycling. If I did not have the access to fat, I do not think I would be able to even get enough calories to repair properly.
If I had to eat pure protein I would overburden my digestive system and not be able to break it down and utilize it all as energy effectively. And if I relied too much on carbohydrates I would be spiking my blood sugar regularly and probably not have enough LONG-LASTING energy. Carbs can give you a great sustainable energy boost, but fats are what give you long lasting endurance throughout the day.
So skipping out on eating enough healthy fats could mean that you are actually:
- Undernourished and find yourself not truly satiated throughout the day, for longer lasting energy and better performance we need enough fat.
- Not absorbing essential vitamins and minerals properly which could affect repair on a cellular level, as well as internal and cognitive function. Lack of essential vitamins and minerals can also lead to poor vision and bone and muscle stiffness/weakness.
- Not lubricating your joints and muscles properly.
- Your organs are not healing as effectively as they could be, or functioning as smoothly. The liver and gallbladder help to process and absorb fat, most of our organs are actually composed of a high percentage of fat, and the liver and gallbladder help us to digest and end up affecting the function of our small intestine directly. Eating enough balanced fat will help digestion and all of these organs function optimally during digestion.
- If you do not regularly rotate and consume plenty of healthy organic fats than the only fats you are getting may be processed, things such as: processed dairy, fried fats (trans fat), and hydrogenated oils that have been found to cause cancer and myriad of other negative health benefits.
There are two types of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids that the body needs.) Here is a description of Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Omega 3 Fatty Acids and the different types.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Omega-6 fats are derived from linoleic acid and are found in leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains, and vegetable oils (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed, sesame, sunflower).3 Most diets provide adequate amounts of this fatty acid, and therefore planning is rarely required to ensure proper amounts of omega-6 fatty acids.
A less common omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects along with other disease-fighting powers.10 GLA can be found in rare oils such as black currant, borage, and hemp oils.3
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
It is vital for everyone to eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis. Unlike omega-6 fatty acids, it may take more planning in the diet to ensure adequate intake of these fatty acids. Omega-3s are used in the formation of cell walls and assist in improving circulation and oxygen uptake. The recommended amount for adequate omega-3 intake is 1.1 and 1.6 grams per day for women and men over the age of 14, respectively.11
Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from linolenic acid. The principal omega-3 is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is then converted into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenonic acid (DHA) by the body. This makes ALA the only essential omega-3 fatty acid. ALA can be found in many vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruits.
Some of the best sources of ALA include flaxseeds and walnuts, along with different oils such as flaxseed, canola, soybean, walnut, and wheat germ. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in smaller quantities in nuts, seeds, and soy products, as well as in beans, vegetables, and whole grains. Corn, safflower, sunflower, and cottonseed oils also contain omega-3s, though in lower levels than the previously mentioned oils.
The key is in optimizing your Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA ratio.
Right now the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio in the Western world is anywhere from 15/1 to 16/1 which is way too high. In an assessment of heart disease, it was found that those who had a much lowered ratio of 4/1 Omega 6 to omega 3 had a 70% reduced chance of heart disease and mortality rate. The omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio imbalance from processed and industrialized oils is probably one of, if not the biggest, dietary problem in America today.
Humans evolved to be as close to 1/1 Omega 6 to Omega 3 as possible, by simply making sure that we optimize this ratio we can prevent illness and disease.
Oftentimes we hear that saturated fat is bad and kills you! This is nothing but another scam and marketing technique by corperations that want you addicted to sugar and sick. Coconut oil can technically be defined as saturated fat, it is simply a label. But coconut oil actually contains almost zero Omega 6!
“Though the coconut-rich Pacific Islander diet caught on in America, it was unfairly written off in the 1960s as a “bad fat” that had adverse affects on health. The media failed to report that the coconut oil that had been put under scrutiny for being unhealthy was artificially hydrogenated.
Coconut oil in its raw state is rich in lauric acid, a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in mother’s milk and tied to boosting metabolism.It also has less than 1% of omega-6, and has been tied to weight loss because of its richness in metabolism boosting medium-chain fatty acids. You can enjoy the true benefits of coconut oil in its organic, cold-pressed, extra virgin state; it should never be bleached, hydrogenated or refined.”
Clean sources of fat such as Nutiva’s Coconut Oil, have a double health-boosting effects for most Americans. Besides the fact that they are ridiculously healthy in-and-of-themselves, most Americans will be greatly optimizing their Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio when they eat them. This can result in some amazing and rapid changes in weight, blood pressure, and overall health. “
Think of optimizing your Omega ratios as becoming “normal” again.
Since we now know that we must optimize our healthy fat ratio, which foods have the highest Omega 6 ratio, and are the most processed?
The answer, is industrialized vegetable and seed oils.
Chris Kresser of writes:
“At the onset of the industrial revolution (about 140 years ago), there was a marked shift in the ratio of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids in the diet. Consumption of n-6 fats increased at the expense of n-3 fats. This change was due to both the advent of the modern vegetable oil industry and the increased use of cereal grains as feed for domestic livestock (which in turn altered the fatty acid profile of meat that humans consumed).
The following chart lists the omega-6 and omega-3 content of various vegetable oils and foods:”
So here are some healthy fats that we should aim to consume on a regular basis:
Coconut oil – A must have for cooking and raw consumption alike, I also use for direct application to skin for the best skin-care in the world!
Olive oil – Another delicious staple in the kitchen found to be beneficial for just about everything.
Fat from organic animal products – Yes there are benefits to animal fat, we must just not OVER-CONSUME and be mindful of our portion control, make sure that the animal is organic, free-range, wild-caught, or grass fed, this will ensure healthy animal fat, not toxic ridden fat.
And guess what? Organic meats and eggs have a more optimal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFAs.
Hemp Seeds – Truly a super-food, the fat ratio in hemp has been found to very closely match the natural fat ratio of our organs, hemp is also an extremely high natural source of plant protein, fiber, and TONS of minerals. One of the healthiest additions to any diet.
Chia seeds – The same rings true for chia seeds, as for Hemp Seeds, they are a true super-food with an amazing fat balance and digestibility. Chia seeds have a double boost for your digestive and detox systems because it also contains a very potent fiber that will help to cleanse the intestines, and some protein as well. Chia seeds are also one of the healthiest additions of fat to any diet.
Nuts and Seeds – Nuts and seeds such as Almonds and Sunflower seeds can be a healthy addition of fat, my only advice is that you rotate which type of nut/seed you are using regularly to see if any of them give you a negative reaction, some people will not respond well to certain nuts or seeds, for example I cannot eat peanut butter, but I respond well to Almond Butter or Almonds.
Organ meats – Organ meat is a potent source of high nutrient animal fat, the liver specifically is an organ that has a good fat content and contains a load of fat-soluble vitamins and mineral activators.
Organic Whole-Fat dairy products – Eating processed dairy is unavoidable with the mass-pasteurization of milk, but whole fat dairy products are still much healthier for us. Whole fat dairy products contain the natural-fat found in the creation of that milk, taking this out could alter how we absorb all of the Calcium and Vitamin D that is often added to our milk. Whole fat dairy products will provide longer lasting energy and should not provide a negative reaction when eaten mindfully and with portion control. ALWAYS go for grass-fed organic, no exceptions. Good products such as: Ghee, butter, whole milk yogurt and kefir, and high quality cheeses, can be great additions to the diet in moderation.
Avocados – An amazing fruit (I think) that is almost pure fat, Avocados are vitamin and mineral dense and are a great addition to any plate of food. I have not found many people who have anything but a positive response from eating more avocados in their diet.
Fish such as Salmon – Fatty fish has been found to have tons of health benefits for the human body, fish like Salmon are also high in protein and Astaxanthin. Just make sure to eat some fiber with your fish, and to rotate the fish you eat regularly to avoid contaminants that have been found in fish such as mercury. Seafood also contains a rare form of Omega 3 that has been found to be essential to brain health, DHA.
Egg Yolks – Egg Yolks are unjustly feared by many, just eat the yolks! The Yolk is the most nutrient dense part of the egg and the food source for the growing embryo. In a whole egg nearly half the protein content is also found in the yolk. Egg yolk also contains plenty of fat-soluble vitamins, a healthy amount of fat, and HEALTHY cholesterol. A WHOLE EGG is the best way to eat eggs, so forget the egg whites and start eating an already perfectly packaged “egg” of nutrition. Remember that an egg that is from a chicken that is free-range and organic will have a different quality and fat-ratio than an inorganic mass-produced egg. Always buy free-range organic.
These are all of the healthy fats that I consume on a regular basis and that I would consider to be a very large percentage of my diet. For myself, these foods may consist of over 50% of my diet, because they often also contain plenty of healthy protein and fiber, such as in the case with hemp/chia seeds or some cuts of fish/meat.
Making sure that you get enough of these foods is imperative for good health, for ways to start incorporating these fats into your diet try:
- Aim to include some fat with every meal that you have, it will aid in absorption and give you a much better satiation after your meal, limiting your chances of over-eating after dinner or craving sweets for example. Always drizzle some olive oil on your plate of meat and sweet potato, or try using a pad of organic butter.
- Always put olive oil or avocados and nuts/seeds in any good salad. Adding some fat to your salads will help you absorb the vitamins and minerals that the veggies contain.
- Make shakes with a bit of raw coconut oil, hemp seeds and chia seeds, this will ensure TONS of healthy balanced Omega fats, but also would make for a good source of fiber and protein.
- Eat fatty fish and meat and dark chicken meat a bit more, always buy organic and eat mindfully.
- Take 1-2 tsp. serving of Cod liver oil daily to supplement your healthy fat stores and give you plenty of essential vitamins in an easily absorbable form.
The best thing to do is never eat toxic fried fats, or processed dairy fats. Fat is where we store toxins that our bloodstream and detox systems cannot effectively process. The fat contains up to 100times the amount of toxins as our blood does at any given time, so if we eat a tortured and poorly fed feedlot animal, than we will be eating that animals fat. So think of: processed dairy products/processed meats/fried foods. This is why these fats have been found to cause cancer and be so horrible for our bodies. The toxins could throw off our entire hormonal system and cause US to store toxic fat.
Have you ever noticed someone who was obese that seemed to have very toxic and unhealthy looking skin, could you possibly be in this position yourself? If so, than you must realize that this fat is extremely detrimental to your good health and you can begin burning it off slowly and safely by switching over to HEALTHY FATS.
Red meat or animal fat like dairy is not really inherently bad, it is just when we eat animals that have been grown in toxic environments, we get the toxic environment in our food supply as well. But eating a free-range and grass-fed product ensures that we are getting a clean animal and a clean food source.
We should rotate healthy fats on a daily basis.
Rotating through healthy fats on a daily basis will allow us to get a plethora of healthy and sustainable clean energy, and also not to depend on one source of fat too much, meaning that our diet will be cleaner and less polluted in general. However, I often eat coconut oil, chia seeds, and hemp seeds on a daily basis. These foods are a major staple of healthy fat for me. When cooking and drizzling oil on my meals I will rotate from Olive oil, to Coconut oil, to Red Palm oil, to some Ghee, to some Avocados or Avocado oil, etc.
So there you have it, the low down on healthy fats, and why a low-fat diet is just a scam. Just like when people try to say saturated fat is bad, they do not have a complete and holistic understanding of our body’s need for healthy fat! Sure, there may be some people who do better naturally with a lower-fat intake, but do not let that be the reason you buy a product, often these products are loaded with processed sugar and will still do more to make you fat even if they contain less calories than a full-fat product. Do not be afraid to consume meat, dairy, and eggs in moderation for a much healthier absorption of nutrients.
Remember that our bodies NEED fat, to help in digestion, lubricate the organs and joints, for vision, for stored energy, and proper satiation. Fats are the most satisfying and filling macronutrient we can eat in my opinion because of the sustained energy benefits we get from them. Aim to eat all of the fats listed in this article, I would especially recommend: hemp seeds, chia seeds, whole organic eggs, organ meat, and coconut oil. Adding these to your diet on a regular basis will greatly improve your performance physically and mentally on all levels. Healthy fat and a proper omega 3 to 6 ratio optimizes healing conditions for the body. Countless studies have proven that this is one of the key components to limiting the effects of aging, chronic degeneration, and limiting inflammation.
Love healthy fat and use it liberally. Never eat processed fat.
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