
October 10, 2014

A New Health Concept

[readolog_dropcap ]W[/readolog_dropcap]e live in a unique time in history that could define the future of our health and dare I say it, humanity. We have gotten to a point where in America and a Western culture where health issues are rampant, and economic struggles seem to plague many; there is a lack of drive and a government that reflects the same sickness that we see throughout the population. 

We have come out of the age of technology, and we are now in the midst of the information age. The next age will be one of remixing these ideas and creating new concepts about life and destiny.  The technology age gave us the ability to completely master our environment.  We can cut down any tree, cross any ocean, fly across the world with just a bit of cash, build houses and empires, grow clean crops, or grow poisonous food.  As a society and a race we can now do pretty much whatever we choose to do to our environment.

The information age, which we are still in, connected us all greatly. I can get information from ANYBODY I know in just two seconds through a text message, I can email at a much faster rate than a letter, phone calls are not even needed half the time anymore, and I can learn nearly ANYTHING I want to with the internet.

We are more seemingly CONNECTED than ever before, this is a great illusion of the technology age and the information age. We get all of these useful tools that connect us, such as cars, cell phones, computers, social media, etc.  Except the growth has happened very quickly and while we seemingly become more connected through these material means, we are losing a deeply profound and wonderful connection to OURSELVES.

We are losing the connection to our bodies, to our minds, and to our souls. As a society we blindly worship idealisms such as atheism or science just like any other cult.  Religion is the largest BUSSINESS in the world and we still allow religion to shape our worldviews.   Concepts that worked in religion for people thousands of years ago are trying to be applied to a rapidly evolving and expanding awareness and consciousness that is growing today.

When there is a disconnect between people’s beliefs and their bodies, there vital life force and energy is very easily manipulated and controlled. This is why corporations that sell toxic sugar water and TV programming that does nothing except bombard your subconscious with negative beliefs are profiting billions of dollars every single year.

We are in an OBESITY EPIDEMIC. We are in a health crisis where people are more dependent on artificial drugs, and a lifeless and soulless system that is CLEARLY not working.  Drugs only serve to suppress our life force and suppress our body’s own natural healing process, or just cover up the real issue at hand.

We are a culture that has lost touch with our own supreme intelligence as human beings, we have lost touch with our body’s innate ability to heal itself, and we have become spiritually misguided.

When a society has individuals that have been broken down by toxic foods and brainwashed by negative ideas, we will see a spiritually and morally disrupt society as well, and this is the epidemic that we are facing now.

We are told that science is god, often when the scientists that tout this information ignore different views and theories, just like someone who is obsessed with a particular religion would not allow himself or herself to learn anything useful from another religion.

The result of losing touch with our spirituality, and our belief system, is that we blindly allow our energy to be guided into sickness and manipulation.

Don’t believe me? Go follow the money and see how pharmaceutical companies are doing, business is BOOMING.

“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ” ― Hippocrates

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ― Hippocrates

 “The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.” -Hippocrates

I am going to propose a new CONCEPT of health, fitness, and spirituality. A concept that states that we as human beings have the innate ability to heal our own bodies through prevention, knowledge, and a profound understanding of our own bodies as individuals.


The progression of healing our true being and essence, as human beings, MUST be as follows:


We must learn the proper foods for our body and when we should eat them. We must also use the right amount of physical activity, not too much and not too little.  We need to maintain our bodies with techniques such as tissue therapy and stretching, and work to connect the body to our….


The conscious/unconscious mind is the most powerful tool we possess as human beings. Our minds help us to organize information and create new ideas and consciously choose where our energy gets directed.  Many of us need to learn how to clean up our minds from negative thought patterns and wacky neurological connections, and learn how to build new more productive thought patterns that will lead to more productive actions.  Only once we rid the mind of negativity and unproductive thinking that may cause us to sabotage our spiritual progress can we harness the power of our….


Our souls are the invisible life force that flows through us; I often try to describe how the metaphysical flows through the body with the ancient Chakra system for example. Only once we have properly developed our body/mind connection can we truly cultivate spiritual awareness, and this is when our soul will truly begin to evolve and grow.  You will start gaining the powers of intuition and the incredible power of the heart, you may even begin to be able to heal others through your energy.

We already know that nearly every illness and disease can be prevented through simple physical activity used safely, and a well balanced diet. We also need to prevent illness through the MIND and the SOUL.

[readolog_blockquote ]You will start gaining the powers of intuition and the incredible power of the heart, you may even begin to be able to heal others through your energy.[/readolog_blockquote]

I have seen in my years as a trainer dozens of people who are not willing to let themselves heal because they are spiritually lost and misguided, or they are trying to heal a subconscious trauma that still follows them and manifests itself physically.

If you have a giant knot of tension in your stomach that you carry around daily for years and years from some sort of trauma, the body will manifest this tension as an illness.

Not everything can be broken down, cut up, or analyzed as closely as just our anatomy. There is constantly energy and life force flowing through us, we ARE NOT ROBOTS with no purpose or soul.

Is this the story that you subconsciously told yourself? That your body is just a vessel of meat and blood that serves no purpose whatsoever, and that you have no soul, maybe you even believe that the concept of a soul, or whatever you choose to believe “god” to be is foolish?

Can you see how crappy of a concept and belief you have about YOURSELF that you are going to manifest and create if you believe that your just a lump of bones, muscle, and organs, with no purpose? You just live and then you just die.  No wonder so many people are medicating themselves with toxic food and drugs regularly.  We have become spiritually bankrupt and lost the wisdom of our elders and proper role models to guide us in this transition period in humanity’s conscious development.

Your beliefs and ideals about life and your PURPOSE, your DREAMS, and just your worldview in general, greatly affect the life force and energy flowing through you. To become more in touch with our mind/body/soul we MUST FIRST look to our health.

The reason so many people want to keep you sick and spiritually misguided is because, as said above, you are EASY to control and manipulate like this. If the body’s chakra systems, which are the systems of emotional and spiritual energy that flow from the base of your sternum through the top of your head/spine, are disrupted with toxic food and negative beliefs, your ability to connect is lost.

If you lose the ability to connect to other people and human beings because you are in the trenches of toxic food and addiction, than you will not believe a word that I am saying. A cynical view of the world and of the human soul and spirit goes hand in hand with a toxic body that does not even have the ability to connect.

When you are a positive person with a healthy spiritual understanding of human consciousness, and you eat the right foods for your body, and maintain your body through restorative and transformative exercise, you will KNOW and EXPERIENCE what I am describing. Your ability to pick up on other people’s auras will increase, you will be able to begin accessing your ability to manifest and attract into your life experiences and people that are on the some vibrational frequency as you.

Our mind/body/soul’s are like walking antennas and we output frequencies and pick them up as well, this is not fairy tale make believe, this is fact-based SCIENCE. We have the ability to raise our consciousness and being to a higher vibrational state by first creating a positive space WITHIN OURSELVES.

Raising your vibrational frequency to a higher level, or a LOVE frequency, is where true conscious development and your higher purpose can be found. The universe/god/science or whatever WORD you choose to use to describe this connection to a bigger picture always supports experiences and dreams that are guided by YOUR HEART AND SOUL.

The “universe” always supports dreams and attracts experiences to a person who is in touch with themselves and what their unique dream really is. The problem with most people is that they have dreams that are based on the EGO or implanted thought patterns.

Dreams are not meant to be fulfilled or cultivated on a mind level, they are meant to be experienced through the mind/body/soul equally.

Human beings have the power to manifest any experience or dream that is within the laws of this world into existence. There is NO dream or experience that is too big to be reached with enough time, effort, and sheer willpower.  I have seen humans do amazing things with just the power of their will alone, and I have experienced what taking responsibility for my own life has done for me.

What does all of this have to do with healing our bodies?

The point is that if we are misguided spiritually and our soul’s are chasing the wrong things, we will self medicate ourselves and in-turn make our BODIES sick, and then we are in a position where we are at the mercy of a medical system that cannot wait to get you in the door to get you more sick. Even those with good intentions cannot treat you holistically much of the time because they will become chastised and alienated.

Many great doctors and scientists who relay some of the information I have described and have used REAL SCIENCE to document the connection between our mind/body/soul have been censored completely or ridiculed publicly for their beliefs.

You see, science has become a cult of its own, and any mention of the soul or spirituality or life force, or studying the Chakra system, is seen as having no place whatsoever in science.

To me this does not seem like a very good or open-minded approach to solving problems. When I learn something I do not accept what the first person says, I instantly go and look up what THE OTHER SIDE HAS TO SAY, and then I go see WHAT THE GUY IN THE MIDDLE HAS TO SAY, and ONLY THEN do I form my own conclusion.  This is critical thinking.

Ancient wisdom has shown us that we must view the mind/body/soul together as one. This is the holy trinity.

Trying to solve a spiritual crisis on solely the body level will not work, just like trying to fix a physical dysfunction with meditation may not work. Why is this an outlandish concept for so many to accept?

[readolog_blockquote ]Just like physical weakness and frailty will result in less vital life force for spiritual development. This is why I believe maintaining the body is the most important challenge that we must FIRST work to fix as a society.[/readolog_blockquote]

It is SO VITALLY important to realize that to heal ourselves and prevent disease we must know how to eat the right foods, and when to exercise to expel energy, and when to simply rest and restore our energy reserves.

The food we eat is one of the ways that we connect to our environment and it is the fuel we use to rebuild our physical being and will in turn affect our ability to connect with others on a higher vibrational level.

Spirituality and development of the consciousness cannot be attained if the body is not first well nourished and flowing well.

Just like physical weakness and frailty will result in less vital life force for spiritual development. This is why I believe maintaining the body is the most important challenge that we must FIRST work to fix as a society.

Without a body that functions well and is not being overburdened by toxic foods or sitting in a poor posture for 8 hours a day, we cannot even begin to evolve spiritually.

First we must fix the body through the right amount of organic wholesome food and just the right amount of exercise.

Once our bodies are healed, we will once again be able to connect to each other spiritually as a collective consciousness. We can do away with medical institutions that blindly follow only one way of thinking and overprescribe dangerous medications. We will better be able to provide ALL of the medical services needed.

We can stop wasting so much time and resources taking care of the weak and sick and begin to GROW. Just because the population is growing and technology is advancing does not mean that we are actually GROWING spiritually or cultivating a better relationship with our environment.

If anything we are raping our environment on a daily basis. This has to stop, but it only can once we have an intelligent society, and this begins with creating healthier BODIES.

You are responsible for one individual only in this life before you can even think about helping or healing others, YOURSELF.

Are you a positive person who maintains themselves physically who will have excess energy to give to others when they need a helping hand?

Or maybe you have not accepted that only YOU are responsible for your life and still denying your POWER as a human being, maybe you are draining other people’s energy by keeping yourself sick or refusing to let positive influences into your life.

If you think you could be draining others, look first to eliminating all poisons from your life, both in the food you eat and the energy you allow into your life, whether it is negative programming or other people.

Begin to cultivate your own positive life force and intention for YOURSELF first. Once your energy has grown and your body is strong enough to connect to other people on a higher level you can begin to grow stronger spiritually.

It is time to accept that you are more than just a lump of flesh and blood.  We are all much more complex than just one layer such as the mind or body.  We need to acknowledge that we are a mind/body/soul that must all flow together.  A disruption in one will result in dysfunction elsewhere within the three.

Ultimately we need to evolve spiritually in this new age that we are entering, we have all the information and technology in the world that we need to do it, but do we have the intelligence to accept and embrace a new CONCEPT of how to safely use this technology and information to first maintain our own health.

We must eat well, sleep well, work hard, rest and play equally as hard, and cultivate loving and lasting relationships with each other and ourselves. Once we have done these things the world will be a much more beautiful place, and we will be able to HEAL ourselves through prevention and a deep connection to who we are as conscious beings.

This is my dream and it is my mission, it is the purpose of this website, to help educate others to learn how to become enlightened spiritual beings. I wish for nothing more than a collective society that loves one another and an environment that is clean and stays beautiful.

I ask myself this question on a daily basis in regards to my own health, relationships, and life.

“Am I LEADING by example, if everyone else lived their lives like I live mine, would the world be a better place?”

To good health and true love.

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