Keeping a Healthy and Balanced Intestinal Flora

[readolog_dropcap ]B[/readolog_dropcap]alancing our immune system means that we must balance the microorganisms in our digestive tract. Eating highly processed foods can lead to an overgrowth of the wrong bacteria and fungus, we want to strive to optimize the healthy ones by eating a clean and healthy diet.
Our gut contains 100 Trillion microorganisms.
These microorganisms in our gut weigh anywhere from 3-5lbs, and the balance of these microorganisms will determine how well our body’s immune system functions. Our intestinal flora’s balance is nearly our entire immune system, and it makes sense because this is where the environment directly becomes trans-mutated into our physical being. Technically food does not become a part of your body until your intestinal wall allows nutrients to pass through it, until this point it is not a part of you.
If we take pieces of our environment, such as heavy metals and toxins, we can expect a sick and unhealthy immune system as a result. The flora in our intestines is extremely sensitive to disruption from processed foods, and modern medicine. For example, a dose of Anti-biotics, by definition, wipes out our intestinal flora, which can kill overgrowths of bad bacteria when we have a stomach bug for example. The problem with antibiotics is that they also wipe out all of our good bacteria.
So imagine that there is a war being waged inside of our body, between good bacteria and bad bacteria or a virus. Instead of aiding the good side, some people will take antibiotics and basically just nuke the whole battlefield. This can work in getting rid of the bad microorganisms, but then it leaves your immune system defenseless and weak because you also completely wiped out the good intestinal flora.
Most of our understanding of gut health and its connection to the immune system has been discovered very recently in modern medicine, however ancient eastern practices have long known that the intestines and gut was the center of our body’s health and immunity. This can be seen in ancient eastern practices that place an emphasis on never over-eating or drinking, and massaging the vital organs frequently. They also quite frequently fermented their fruits and vegetables and only ate them seasonally.
The severe problems that come from unbalanced intestines most likely comes from modern processed foods which have only been in existence for a few hundred years and mass produced/consumed. These foods cannot be broken down effectively by our intestinal micro-flora and can cause an overgrowth of bad bacteria.
For example someone who has a chronic fungal or parasite infection problem is someone who is feeding their body the wrong foods for an optimal intestinal balance. If we feed the body on highly processed sugars and carbs than this is the perfect environment for candida and other fungus to thrive in, as well as parasites. This is why healthy diets often cause such a severe reaction in people who suddenly stop eating processed foods.Whatever type of food you eat you are going to be feeding SOMETHING in your body on a microscopic level, and whether you eat clean and healthy food will determine whether or not you choose to grow excess yeast throughout the body, or you choose to have a healthy digestive system that can properly break down and absorb food.
The gut also decides what is absorbed into the body and bloodstream and what does not pass into our body and gets eliminated through our waste. Having a micro-bacteria imbalance usually means that that person also has a leaky gut. What this means is that their digestive function and intestinal health has become compromised. Our gut has to be permeable enough to allow certain nutrients to pass through it, but it also has to be strong enough to block out waste matter.
The problem is that our intestines were not designed to be constantly fighting against a bombardment of toxic processed foods and pharmaceutical medications.
For example many people are gluten intolerant to begin with, and they will often eat processed flour, which has been shown to chronically inflame the small intestine. When the small intestine is inflamed, which is the body’s natural healing response to send more blood and nutrients to the damaged organ, and then food is eaten during this healing response, the gut does not have the resources or stability to effectively eliminate waste and will allow partially digested nutrients and toxins to leak out into the bloodstream.These toxins can cause a myriad of health issues, such as any chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis, skin conditions, thyroid problems. Etc. How the issue gets manifested is not the important point to take away from this lesson, but the fact that we need to avoid inflaming the gut and causing it to become leaky in the first place is.
To avoid inflaming the gut we must cut out:
- Processed sugar and flour
- GMO products
- Anti-biotics
- Alcohol
- Prescription Medications
- Anti-Inflammatory drugs
- Gluten or plant foods that are under-cooked or those we are intolerant to (will vary by the individual)
Studies have found that gut bacteria in mice was able to directly affect their ability to reproduce and their autoimmunity to diseases such as diabetes. The thing about our intestines is that our intestinal flora is VERY delicate and sensitive. We need to take our long-term health very seriously and acknowledge the importance of maintaining the integrity of our gut health. This means that we avoid anti-biotics at all costs, prescription medications and processed foods like the plague. All of these things will wipe out our intestinal bacteria and lend themselves to creating an even weaker and more susceptible immune system.
Does it not always seem that the person relying on modern prescription medication and anti-biotics is always getting sicker or never really healing their underlying health issues? I cannot even begin to count the number of times I have seen someone keep going back to the doctor, just to keep going back again and again. This is a ridiculous cycle of sickness that will not restore normal immune function.
Our bodies have all of the tools that we need to stay healthy and combat disease, we just need to provide the right environment for this to happen. This means eating healthy foods that help to provide the proper balance of our intestinal flora. Probiotics have been found to be especially beneficial to the health of our intestines as they contain trillions of microorganisms that can help balance our gut health. Organic milk products such as Kefir and Greek Yogurt can be especially beneficial for our guts. Fermented grains and vegetables have for thousands of years been considered a staple in many ancient diets that have been known to increase health and longevity.
Your gut and microorganism balance IS your immune system. Proper intestinal and gut health is nearly your entire immune system in terms of long-term and lasting health. If your gut is healthy, your diet is sound, and the mind/body will manifest this health as well.
It is a long-term commitment. The balance of our intestinal flora has been proven to be very sensitive, even a single dose of anti-biotics could potentially harm our immune systems for a long time. Eating toxic foods or processed flour/sugar must also be avoided like the plague to restore our immune system and intestinal health. This is a long-term commitment and endeavor, start thinking months and years of clean eating and good health!
Avoid processed sugar/flour and pharmaceutical medications, ESPECIALLY anti-biotics. Some people think that having some white bread or a piece of processed cake is not a big deal, but in reality it can be for many people. A lot of people have weak digestion in the first place, as mentioned above it is a long-term commitment, avoid these goods AT ALL COSTS. Only use medication in life-threatening or severe circumstances, always seek out alternative therapies and look to clean up your diet and get rid of stress before committing to pharmaceuticals.
Also make sure not to drink too much alcohol or binge-drink. A study found that heavy drinking and then eating causes a leaky gut and can lead to inflammation and extreme stress on digestive health and immunity. Limit alcohol consumption to 1-2 nights per week.
Eat plenty of pro-biotics and fermented fruits and vegetables to help heal the gut. Drink plenty of clean water and never over-eat! These foods will help in our ability to digest and process food and lead to better immunity. Foods such as Kefir and grass-fed Yogurt can also be a soothing addition to the diet. Eat them regularly and mindfully! From the cleanest and most high-quality sources possible.