How To Get Rid of Depression Naturally

Healing depression naturally is a very attainable goal, however it does require dedication and commitment. We are seeing depression skyrocket in America, some people blame lack of direction and purpose in a society of conformity, while others blame genetics and imbalances that need pills to be solved. The truth of the matter is that pills may not be needed for depression, and they may not solve the root cause of mental health issues.
The real cause of depression in most individuals is poor nutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, inflammatory foods, and a lack of a dream and purpose. I would also say that many people and medical professionals are FOOLISH to not look to nutrition first with the science and information available about how the brain works available.
To try and treat depression with medication without first looking to that person’s nutrition, digestive health, and emotional state, is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound.
We have been told that it is faulty genetics. But the fact of the matter is we can control the way that our genes are expressed, by eating and behaving properly. And it turns out that there are many VITAL nutrients needed for proper brain health, as the brain is one of the most energy demanding parts of the body.
Lifestyle and nutrition are THE most important factors in proper brain health and function, as well as curing depression, and I am going to explain why.
In my opinion there are two different types of depression.
1. Physical depression. This type of depression is caused by the diet and lifestyle decisions that a person makes habitually and the results that compound over time. Diet and lifestyle factors such as spending too much time sedentary and eating toxic food can result in an inflamed brain and result in disturbed neurotransmitters and general neurological function.
2. Emotional Depression. Suppressing, blocking, limiting, or the imbalance of one’s emotions causes this type of depression. It can also be caused by a traumatic event. Emotional or spiritual depression can be caused when one’s energy becomes misguided, stagnant, repressed, or out of control. Many people who suffer from emotional depression lack a dream or purpose that guides them throughout life.
A quick fix society, and the “genetics” lie.
Stop blaming genetics and looking for the “pill” to fix your depression, healing depression naturally must be tackled by figuring out what the source of the depression itself is and addressing it.
A pill cannot fix depression because the chemical imbalance one experiences from depression is not the direct cause of said depression it is a symptom. It is very easy to look at a symptom, such as a Serotonin imbalance, or any other chemical that they can categorize depression as through measurement and analysis, and say that the simple fix is to balance that chemical! Your brain is messed up, and thus your Genetics are flawed.
What they are really brainwashing people to think is this:
“You have no control over the direction your life is taking, the fact that you are misguided, lack purpose, depressed, complain, and have a victim mentality, is not your fault, it is your flawed genetics. You are just a victim of your genes. Take this pill to fix what you have no ability to change.”
Of course the companies that make these pills are making a killing and people are just giving themselves further chemical imbalances and dependence upon these drugs. It just prolongs and exacerbates the problem one faces; it does not cure it at the source. I can tell you this from my experience suffering with major depression, and seeing and working with people who are depressed on a regular basis, that depression is completely within your control.
Sure there are tragedies, trials, and challenging periods in one’s life. We all get a bit depressed from time to time. But emotionally stable people understand that the healing process, and the depression itself, comes from within. They understand that it is like a storm, and it will pass. Sometimes when someone is sick and lacks direction in their life, they will believe that the depression is permanent, and that they have no ability to change it.
The truth that most doctors who over-prescribe medication and people who take the pill wont tell you is this:
You are completely responsible for the quality of life you live. You have the power to change it. Your depression is not solely caused by your genetics; it is caused by your failure to properly express your GOOD genetics. Depression is curable, and there is a TON you can do about it.
They also won’t tell you that it takes a ton of hard work and dedication to improve your life situation. Other aspects these people will leave out are the facts that your lifestyle, diet, and vitamin/mineral intake, play a MAJOR role in brain function and mood. The truth is that you have the power to heal yourself, and the sooner you accept this as a reality the sooner you can redirect your stagnant and depressed body down a new path that will lead to becoming a more balanced and happy individual.
If you are depressed and wondering how to alter your brain so that if you went and got it scanned it would be “normal” you need to understand that the chemical imbalances are just a symptom, the cause of the depression could be a number of factors, but it always stems from the environment.
You need to place yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually, in the right environment to change and alter your brain. This is not done entirely on a mind level, so if you are very analytical you need to learn how to control your over-active mind and begin experiencing the other 80% of your being, your BODY.
And remember, “You cannot solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it,” and in the case of depression, we must not overly focus on the brain and mind itself, as it is at the level of the pathology.
Environment is more important and can alter how your genes are expressed.
The Physical and Nutritional Causes of Depression.
Getting outdoors more and exposing yourself to natural sunlight, how it relates to the brain.
The very first thing you need to do, and in my opinion probably the most important for getting rid of depression, is to start getting outdoors more. And by outdoors I specifically mean getting more movement and sunlight. Most people in the U.S. are suffering from a severe Vitamin D deficiency.
Most people read vitamin deficiency and think:
“Sure that sounds like a quack thing, I only believe in real science.” Or they do not give enough weight to a “vitamin” deficiency being something that is that serious.
Well, the science on Vitamin D is in. It can potentially heal depression, cuts down your risks of all cancers across the board, and improves bone health, mood, and basically every bodily function. Vitamin D is responsible for aiding in the absorption of Calcium and other nutrients, and is absolutely vital for proper brain health
The research is currently mixed in finding a direct correlation between low Vitamin D and depression; however, a research team from the University of Georgia found in a review of studies that Vitamin D is largely responsible for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
“We believe there are several reasons for this, including that vitamin D levels fluctuate in the body seasonally, in direct relation to seasonally available sunlight,” he said. “For example, studies show there is a lag of about eight weeks between the peak in intensity of ultraviolet radiation and the onset of SAD, and this correlates with the time it takes for UV radiation to be processed by the body into vitamin D.”
Seasonal Depression, so what? Do you really think that this does not apply to why your brain is out of whack? Imagine if you are a person who does not go outside and get enough sunshine or vitamin D compounded over YEARS. Yeah, the effects can be devastating. Personally, I had not gone outside adequately for years when I was suffering from depression the hardest. Vitamin D effects how many nutrients are synthesized within the body, such as A, K, and Calcium.
“Vitamin D is also involved in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine within the brain, both chemicals linked to depression, according to the researchers.
“Evidence exists that low levels of dopamine and serotonin are linked to depression, therefore it is logical that there may be a relationship between low levels of vitamin D and depressive symptoms,” said Kimlin, a Cancer Council Queensland Professor of Cancer Prevention Research.
“Studies have also found depressed patients commonly had lower levels of vitamin D.”
Another study that compared 100 schizophrenic and depressed patients to the healthy population found that they all had significantly lower levels of Vitamin D. Showing that there is indeed a correlation between mental pathology and low Vitamin D levels.
Most people do not go outside and get enough sunlight. As human beings we need the frequency of the sunlight, and we evolved for millions of years with the sunlight. We did not lather on artificial chemical sunscreens, and we did not sit in climate-controlled buildings 10 hours a day. We were outdoors getting Vitamin D. Vitamin D is actually defined as a hormone, and the best way to get Vitamin D is to get outdoors and expose as much of your skin as possible.
If you are suffering from depression your FIRST step is to get your butt outdoors and in the sunlight as much as humanly possible. This is absolutely vital; as Vitamin D levels store in the body and take a long time to build up, so get as much exposure as you can. Getting outdoors is vital for how your cells recreate and express themselves.
If it is winter or you cannot get outside, buy a high quality vitamin D supplement A.S.A.P. Or supplement through Cod Liver Oil, I recommend 2,000-5,000IU a day supplements if you suspect your vitamin D levels might be low or it is winter.
The next thing you need to do is connect to nature. Many people could suffer from too much electromagnetic pollution, noise, lack of quiet, business, work, stress, and just life in general. We lose our individuality at times from the quick pace of life. Living in the Tri-State area I experience this hustle and bustle on a daily basis. Everyone is over-caffeinated, sugar addicted, lacking sleep, and over-worked. This is the norm and it can stress one out to no end.
Getting out in nature was the single best change I made in my life in the past few years. Connecting to the beauty of the environment heals the soul and connects your body and mind to something greater than yourself. It allows you to recognize the beauty you have within yourself, by going outside of your own body. This is an example of environment and a positive experience changing your brain chemistry. If you need the “Science” think: vitamin D, fresh air, exercise, improved blood flow.
Movement outdoors expresses our best genes and alters our cells positively. As hunter-gatherers we are meant to do weight bearing activity much more than we currently are. Getting outdoors more has extremely positive beneficial metabolism-boosting effects. Walking and hiking barefoot in the sunlight is ideal as this can provide grounding and distributes weight throughout the body optimally.
And lets get it straight, I am not talking about a stroll through your neighborhood park, I am talking about going and searching for the most vigorous area to hike in your area. Climb a mountain. Have an experience. Go do something a bit dangerous, get lost in the woods, have an ADVENTURE. I am not here to tell you to play it safe, go do something physically demanding and wild for you, whatever your ability level is.
I have been climbing a mountain, out of water, thinking I would die and every step burned my thigh. Once I thought I might actually die on a climb up Mt. Tallac at Lake Tahoe in California. At the end of the day though, we made it, and I’ll remember it forever. The view from the top made it all worth it. It was an experience that not anyone can just do, go out and create an experience like this. It will take a bit of effort, but the vigorous side of the outdoors will heal the soul.
Most people are chronically dehydrated, and this is such a basic component of being a human that I find it astounding. Drink high-quality mineral water whenever you are thirsty, such as Evian, Fiji, and most artesian waters.
Even a slight degree of dehydration decreases cognitive function, awareness, reaction time, and mood. When I am angry, hungry, edgy, or get a “deathly” feeling, I am usually simply dehydrated. Carry water with your at all times and make a habit of drinking it whenever your body is craving it.
Common Sense: Acknowledging the MAJOR role of our nutrient consumption in mental health, and its link to depression.
In a review paper that analyzed the role certain nutrients have on the health of the Mitochondria in the brain, the neurotransmitters, ATP production, protein synthesis, lipids, and their role on the Central Nervous System, they acknowledged that the following nutrients have a clear role in the proper functioning of the brain.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Anti-Oxidants (Vitamin C and Zinc), B family Vitamins (B12 and Folate) and Magnesium. As they have shown, and I have tried to include in this article, accumulating research proves that there is a correlation between these nutrients and proper brain function.
The research paper very accurately points out the link between chronic stress and high levels of the hormone cortisol circulating throughout the body often being a signaler of depression. When someone is chronically stressed and does not consume the proper nutrients to recover both mentally and physically, over a long period of time the nutrients needed for rebuilding the brain and limiting inflammation, including essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants, become depleted.
This leads to becoming more stressed, more depressed, and over-time being able to effectively heal and repair your brain less and less. This means more inflammation and damage, compounded over time.
There are many vitamins and minerals that people are deficient in that can contribute to and cause depression and neurotransmitter imbalances.
Not getting enough Vitamin B12 for example has been linked to increased incidences of depression. Research found that Vitamin B12 and Folate increased the response and effectiveness of anti-depressants. And those countries such as Thailand where diets are highly rich in Folic acid and Vitamin B12 lifetime depression rates are very low.
Vitamin B12 and Folate play crucial roles in neurotransmitter function, especially dopamine and serotonin.
Here is another research paper discussing the extremely potent and beneficial effects magnesium supplementation has on bodily functions, and its role in brain function. And although it may not be the best direct indicator of depression within the brain, it could indeed help.
Also are you making sure that you’re getting enough Vitamin C? This would include citrus fruits, fruit, and high quality organic vegetables, and organic organ meats. Living foods and produce are the best source of anti-oxidants and Vitamin C. And Guess what? The highest levels of Vitamin C are concentrated within the nerve endings of the brain! Not getting enough of this anti-oxidant means oxidative stress can cause inflammation within the brain.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, and cellular degeneration.
Vitamin D deficiency as we already know leads to brittle bones, weak organs, and depression.
Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, are all important minerals that most Americans are deficient in.
Other trace minerals such as Iodine and Selenium are hard to find in the food supply in most cases.
This review of the research I am referencing sums up just how the brain accumulates oxidative stress and cannot repair from nutrient deficiencies.
“The deficiency of the vitamins in question results in hyperhomocysteinemia (the research shows that approximately 45-55% of patients with depression develop significantly elevated serum homocysteine), which causes a decrease in SAM, followed by impaired methylation and, consequently, impaired metabolism of neurotransmitters, phospholipids, myelin, and receptors. Hyperhomocysteinemia also leads to activation of NMDA receptors, lesions in vascular endothelium, and oxidative stress. All this effects neurotoxicity and promotes the development of various disorders, including depression. Vitamins B12 and B6, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids supplementation is thus important in patients suffering from their deficiency; national diet as a significant factor in prevention of numerous CNS disorders, including depression, is also worth consideration.”
You must understand that just because science has not yet measured certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies as being the DIRECT measurable quantitative cause of depression, does not mean that a major vitamin, amino acid, Omega 3, or mineral deficiency, is not INDIRECTLY causing or contributing to your mental health.
Just because science has not documented magnesium deficiency as directly causing neurotransmitter imbalances for example does not mean that naturally balancing out your magnesium levels over time could not have drastic effects on mental and physical health. The body does not express everything as simply as black and white thinking would like to see it, and science is still figuring out new ways to measure and test reactions within the body, which are nearly endless and limitless.
Foods to eat that can help solve these vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Start eating more high-quality seafood and shellfish, make sure to always buy wild-caught and rotate your sources of fish to ensure that you are not consuming to many heavy metals like mercury. Eat fish twice a week, and a variety of seafood such as clams and oysters, which contain ample amounts of minerals such as iron, zinc, iodine, and selenium, and are a known aphrodisiac!
Eat more raw and fresh vegetables to flush your body with living enzymes, phytonutrients, microorganisms, and vitamins and minerals, along with healthy fiber. Living plant foods are vital to balance out vitamin and mineral levels.
Eat high quality and organic grass-fed meat and poultry. These can be great sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and provide an extremely nutrient dense source of food. Make sure to buy organic and grass-fed always, as processed meat is linked to cancer and has higher levels of stress hormones and could actually cause depression.
The Flawed Omega 6 to Omega 3 Ratio In Americans, The Best Way to GAURENTEE DEPRESSION!
High levels of Omega 6 fatty acids are directly correlated with PRO-INFLAMATORY responses within the brain, while Omega 3 acids are associated with an anti-inflammatory response.
The average American has an Omega 6 to 3 ratio of 16/1, humans evolved to be as close to 1/1 as possible. Lowering the ratio from 16/1 to 4/1 cuts heart disease and mortality down by 70%.
Essential fatty acids are one of the most crucial nutrients in brain development, healing, and limiting stress responses, oxidation, and inflammation. Not eating enough healthy Omega 3s or getting an adequate supply of EPA or DHA, long chain fatty acids that are abundantly found in seafood, can cause inflammation within the brain.
Multiple studies have found that higher depression severity has been associated with too many Omega 6s circulating within the brain compared to Omega 3. Studies have also found that one of the major indicators of severe depression is to much inflammation within the brain.
So if you eat to many Omega 6 fatty acids, like most Americans do, than you could be causing your brain to be chronically inflamed. You are literally setting the stage for yourself to be depressed if you consume to many Omega 6 fatty acids.
Get your circadian rhythm in check.
I suffered from this one personally when my skin condition (Vitiligo) first expressed itself. I was severely depressed, staying up until 4 A.M. every night, sleeping until 2.P.M. And barely getting any sunlight. As humans we share the same frequency as the earth, and it is vitally important for our health that we match the earth’s natural day-night rhythm.
Getting to bed early, by 11P.M. And waking up by 7-8A.M. Results in an extremely improved mood and overall health. This was honestly the hardest change for me to make because I am a night owl, and if you have trouble making this change than I would simply get a job that forces you to work outside and get up super-early.
For example, one year I landscaped and a few other times I did construction, this work schedule forced me out of bed with the sun, exhausted me enough where I got to bed early, and made my skin condition go away from getting adequate vitamin D and sun exposure. I never felt so good in my life!
By staying up late consistently you will be frying your nervous system out and impede your ability to recover mentally and physically. This leads to never really getting the natural true deep sleep that comes from resting at the optimal times in the cycle of the day. Get your sleep rhythms in check for improved health. It goes hand-in-hand with getting outside more and getting more Vitamin D. This is the key to good health and optimizing your body and mind to express its proper genetic potential and heal.
Exercise daily, no excuses.
If you are not currently exercising, it’s no wonder that you are depressed. A stagnant body develops stagnant and trapped energy. You must release this energy through transformative exercise, both intense and vigorous exercise, low-intensity weight bearing movement such as walking and standing, and restorative healing exercises and stretches, must be used in combination.
I like to use weight training, intense hikes, cycling, and other extreme sports to get my Yang energy out and rid myself of energy and wound-up stresses.
For restorative exercises I like short hikes, long walks by myself or a friend, and yoga. Even just some tissue therapy work with a lacrosse ball or foam roller is very restorative. The more time you can spend with your body under weight-bearing stimulus, such as walking, running, standing, etc., the better your genes and cells will express themselves. We did not evolve to be sedentary, and it literally causes brain damage by suppressing blood flow and oxygen.
The human body is meant to be highly physical and perform functional movement patterns all day long. In our modern world sitting and computer work is becoming more commonplace, and stressors such as cell phones, driving, coffee, and toxic foods add up on our nervous system. We must perform functional exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, and walking/running for optimal health.
Exercise releases endorphins and causes a beneficial stress response by the body. Intense exercise and especially weight training has been shown to greatly increase one’s ability to deal with life’s stress, since you are training your nervous system to literally adapt and respond to an intense stressor. If you are currently suffering from depression, take some time to get into your body and exercise. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Cold showers offer a chance to go inwards towards the body and get some Yin energy, which heals the body and cultivates energy. Cold showers have been shown to illicit a positive stress response that can aid with weight loss, metabolism, and the body’s ability to handle stress.
Most importantly, cold showers FORCE you to go deeply into your own body, you cannot be inside your head when you’re being frozen! Take a 5-minute cold-shower whenever you need a boost, the deep breathing and metabolic effects of blood going inwards, and the excitation of the heart and lungs is highly therapeutic. Many caffeine addictions and sluggishness could be remedied by consistent cold showers.
Healing Emotional and Spiritual Depression.
Have a passion/dream/purpose.
One of my favorite indirect mentors (who is now deceased) is Earl Nightingale. He was a popular broadcaster; self-help guru, author of The Secret, and highly successful individual both in life and in business. I have written about why it is important to have a dream and purpose and follow your heart before in previous articles, but I was recently listening to an audio program where he likened humans to a ship.
Does a sailing ship ever not have a direction, or an exact purpose in the form of a destination? Earl went on to describe how if you went and asked a ship’s captain where the ship was headed that they would be able to answer you in probably no more than one sentence EXACTLY where the ship was headed. A ship without a destination has no purpose, and will most likely be sitting and rotting away.
The human psyche and soul is much the same way. We must have passion, purpose, goals, and a dream. Without this our energy becomes misguided and easily manipulated by others and our environment. We’ll end up living a life we do not even recognize or truly desire. This results in stagnation, depression, and lack of desire to even get up out of bed.
This situation is unfortunate, as many people end up following the beaten path in life, and when they end up with the “white-picket fence” so to speak, they end up depressed because now they have nowhere to go and nothing to strive for!
He went on to say that people in their 40s and 50s experience this all the time, a mid-life crisis if you will, and that this can be one of the most challenging times in their lives. From my own personal experience, I suffered from this as a teenager and was deeply depressed. The standard educational system left me frustrated, my body was weak, and my mind was dull. I did not care to memorize boring subjects that did not interest me and found myself reaching out for drugs and escape.
I had adopted a victim mentality. I blamed my schooling, parents, friends, others, and everything BUT myself. I eventually came around and found my purpose and passion in becoming a Personal Trainer and developing a better relationship with my body.
There are many techniques to find your dream and passion; the first step would be looking to your unique skills and hobbies. Make sure that you do not write anything off, no matter how quirky the skillset. If you love to paint, or collect art, or run, or hike, or take pictures, pet animals, or just talk to people, harness these skills.
Stop wasting time at night when you’re tired watching TV or eating junk food, take that time and follow your passion. You will find yourself re-energized, even after a long day at work, and you will look forward to your hobby each and every evening, or on the weekends. Eventually you WILL find a way to transfer this passion into helping others share your passion, or expressing yourself creatively.
Modern schooling and social conditioning leads us to suppress our creativity, especially in most people’s work lives. I found that by following your passion and putting your dues in, even if it means working a job you hate for a while, you will eventually fulfill your desires by listening to your heart.
I was always developing my passion of being a Personal Trainer, exercising, Holistic Nutrition and health, and that passion has grown more and more. I may be tired after working hard at jobs during the day, but the fact that I have my passion to look forward to always keeps me pushing on.
Have a dream and follow your heart, then combine it with your creativity. The human soul without goals, dreams, and creative energy, becomes stagnant and depressed rapidly.
Put your energy into positive experiences and creating a better environment, not on trying to talk yourself out of depression.
As you can see, the classic “Your genes are bad!” could really be chalked up to placing your body, both physically and mentally, in the complete wrong environments and state. Until you get the basics of diet and lifestyle down, especially such MAJOR components of health like simple sunlight exposure, getting outdoors into nature, and eating a proper omega 6 to 3 ratio, you cannot really blame your “genetics”.
Get all of the basics of health down FIRST, then go to the doctor and blame your genes.
Show me someone who eats a good variety of organic food, hikes regularly, gets plenty of sunshine and drinks water, exercises daily, and has a passion that they wake up each day to pursue, and I promise you that they will not be depressed.
Maybe at times yes, but they will for the most part be high functioning individuals in their own unique way. So stop blaming your genetics, and looking to a tiny pill to be a quick fix.
When is life ever that easy?
The thing is that I am not trying to be discouraging, and I hope none of this is discouraging to you, it should be EMPOWERING. You have the tools and ability to craft the life of your dreams and chisel out good health both physically and mentally. This is coming from someone who was severely depressed at multiple points in his life. And do not think that I am just saying that because I felt blue for a day or two, I mean weeks on end, staring at my ceiling with no will to move or do anything.
The truth is I was not doing anything right. And through my struggles and experiences I learned a thing or two that taught me the basics of maintaining the body and mind. But the fact of the matter is this, nothing can replace following your passion or purpose and living to serve others.
You should want to provide value by being of service to other beings, not selfishly worrying about yourself. Service creates a sense of accomplishment within oneself and when combined with our unique passions it rids the psyche of depression and replaces it with vigor and vitality.
We all have a unique skillset to offer the world; the key is doing the right things so we can express it. This article has described the practical components of health you MUST follow in order to cure depression, but the rest is on you.
You must follow your creative energy and potential down the rabbit-hole and see where it leads. A good way to start is by expressing some self-love, stop being so damn hard on yourself, and do what your heart enjoys. There is surely some talent, skill, activity, or engagement, that fills you will passion, something that time just flies by when you participate in. This is your unique skillset that you must follow, and if your heart is in it you will grow it into a passion that can support and sustain your lifestyle.
Do not let an over-active mind and negative thoughts fool you into living someone else’s definition of success. Carve out your own place, doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Walk dogs for a living. Be a tour-guide on a tropical island. Sing. Dance. Scribble on newspapers.
Arnold Schwarzenegger got extremely famous and inspired millions by lifting weights. If that isn’t a testament to the fact that you can do anything your heart is in than I do not know what is.
Stop blaming genetics, stop being a victim, and stop trying to positive think yourself to success. Positive thinking is a good thing, yes, but you need to shock your BODY, MIND, and SOUL, with a new experience to truly heal depression.
Invest in a vacation, it is probably one of the best things you can do if you are depressed. You need to realize that you are stuck in negative pattern loops and feedbacks, as humans we are just the expression of our habits and daily rituals. If your life sucks, you just have shitty habits and rituals installed on your hard drive. Replace it by buying a vacation, go somewhere new and exciting and just take a leap of faith, you’ll come back refreshed and happier for it.
Buy yourself a membership to a new gym, classes, lessons, or community. This can snap you into learning new things, developing your hobbies, and becoming a happier person.
Dive into a new line of work that truly interests you and makes you happy, even if it means taking a pay cut.
Go outdoors and climb a mountain or meditate in the woods.
The key is to plug your entire being into something bigger than just yourself, because your energy is stagnant, negative, and simply stuck in the same loop. It is easy to fix, but you can’t really do it by just positive thinking yourself to death, you do it by using your conscious energy not to brainwash yourself, but to plan new experiences.
Terence McKenna was a famous speaker who was particularly interested in psychedelic drugs and their effects on the human consciousness, among other things. He accurately says in one of his speeches that humans are stuck in their anthill.
Nature is outside and all around us, and nature is screaming. Nature heals the soul, revitalizes us, and is the very essence of what our bodies are made of. Get out of the anthill, the anthill is sick right now. You need to place yourself back into the outside world of nature and the true environment. Keep this in mind when looking for new activities to do when trying to heal depression or help a loved one.
Nature is the most powerful healer there is. Go out and stay silent just long enough to let it speak to you.
Use any motivation you have to purchase something you will be locked into, forming a new relationship, doing something you fear, or buying a vacation to somewhere new. These new experiences will cultivate your love for life, open up your heart, and show you that you are capable of creating connection and love.
Once you have this ability things will still be a bit rough, but the key is to just jump, take the leap. Stop complaining, worrying, wondering, speculating, thinking, in other words, stop stagnating. This is where your psyche is trapped. You need to take action, you need MOVEMENT, and you need TRANSFORMATION.
You will not be disappointed with the results once you begin to place yourself in new environments, face your fears, ask for help, and take care of your body and mind. If you are suffering from depression, just hang in there, and remember the following statement through any rough times you may be having, and do not let anyone spreading their bullshit convince you otherwise:
You are strong, you have infinite creative potential, you are the sole creator of your reality, you attract what you project, and YOU decide how your genes and cells express themselves, you are not a victim of your circumstances. YOU decide what environment to place yourself in. YOU have the power and ability to change your life for the better. It can be a long journey, but reclaiming your life is simply a change in attitude; a simple change in perception.
Redirect your conscious energy towards that which empowers, heals, and transforms you for the better.